Therapy For The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra -The Anahata Chakra 

Open the Heart with a Standing Backbend
Open the Heart with a Standing Backbend

Color: Green

Element: Air

Location: Heart Center

Bija Seed Sound: Yam

Emotions and Feelings Associated with this chakra: The ability to love and forgive, ourselves and each other. Empathy, sympathy, and loving kindness, come from a strong and open heart chakra. Dysfunction of this chakra can manifest in many ways, feeling unworthy of love, closed to love, unable to express love, etc.. Physically, it can manifest as heart problems, lung problems, and more..

Yoga Poses For Heart Chakra: Camel pose, Cobra, Upward Facing Dog, Wheel, Standing Backbend, and more. Any pose that opens and stretches the chest will greatly benefit the health of this chakra.

Affirmation: My heart is open to give and receive love. I let go of past wounds and allow love to flow through and to me.

Ustrasana-Camel Pose An Amazing Heart Chakra Pose
Ustrasana-Camel Pose An Amazing Heart Chakra Pose

The literal meaning of the word Anahata is unstuck, unhurt, unbeaten.. Lets be real here, many of us have deep wounds. But we can heal. Yoga, chanting, affirmations, color therapy, diet, meditation, hugs, etc.. Choose love. 

Lots of love, from me to you!

Therapy For The Manipura Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra-The Manipura Chakra

Navasana/Boat Pose Perfect pose for the Manipura Chakra
Navasana/Boat Pose Perfect pose for the Manipura Chakra

Color: Yellow

Element: FIRE

Location: Above the navel, but below the sternum

Bija Seed Sound:Ram

Emotions, Feelings, And Beliefs Associated with this chakra:The manipura chakra is associated with will power, self-esteem, inner strength, our personal power! When out of balance it can manifest as anger, jealously, or depression, or feelings of being unworthy.

Yoga Asanas: Any core strengthening poses, Boat Pose, Plank, Forearm Plank, Inverted Plane, Twists,and Revolved Triangle, to share a few.. And of course the Sun Salutations!!!

yoga poses for chakra
Reverse Plank For Manipura Chakra Health / An Invigorating Powerful pose!

Foods: Eating food that helps with digestion like fennel, ginger, Kombucha, turmeric, and chamomile help, as do bananas, lemons, squash, and bell peppers (go for the yellow). Go For Spicy!!!

Forearm Plank to Strengthen the Core
Forearm Plank to Strengthen the Core

Affirmations:: I am strong, confident, and unique. I am worthy of love, respect, and kindness. I AM EMPOWERED!

An unbalanced manipura chakra can lead to many problems.. Eating disorders are associated with this chakra. I suffered from Bulimia for many years, and it wasn’t until i committed to a regular yoga practice, that i fully recovered. To me, Manipura chakra imbalances are easily recognizable in others, but it takes great effort, and coming to a place of self-love and worthiness, to really heal. 

I send you warm rays of sunshine. You are worthy. ~Tiff

Barreiro da Faneca -Weekend Adventures with Yogini Tiff

There is a place on the island of Santa Maria called Barreiro da Faneca.  It is a protected area (a geopark) with trails and stunning raw beauty.  Much of the pottery and the ceramic tiles you find on the island was made with clay from Barreiro da Faneca.   There are stories and legends about this place.  The surrounding woods feel haunted.

We spent the day there on Saturday. Hiking, yoga, and some serious monkeying around.

Connecting with the Earth and Sky
Connecting with the Earth and Sky


Bird of Paradise in the Azores
Bird of Paradise in the Azores
Reverse Warrior-Viparita Virabhadrasana
Reverse Warrior-Viparita Virabhadrasana
Joao being a peacock.. Mayurasana
Joao being a peacock.. Mayurasana
Ardha Padmasana Vrksasana/Half Lotus Tree Pose
Ardha Padmasana Vrksasana/Half Lotus Tree Pose

We found the ruins of a very old house deep in the woods and made up crazy stories about the people who once lived there.

Enjoying the Haunted Woods with my cousin
Enjoying the Haunted Woods with my cousin and my baby 😉
Monkeys in the Azores, mother and son bonding
Monkeys in the Azores, Mother and Son bonding

Breathe. Smile. And every once in awhile, swing from a tree. ~Yogini Tiff


Amazing photography by the talented Diana Melo (our niece).. Encourage our children to pursue the arts, spend time in nature, climb trees, and follow their dreams!